Affordable Housing in Cannington

How to apply for affordable housing in Cannington:

As you may know, 22 affordable homes will be delivered this year on the Grange Meadow development in Cannington, managed and owned by Aster. Construction of the attractive new homes on the site continues to progress well. This would mean that anyone wanting an affordable home on this development should be ready to bid ASAP on Homefinder Somerset.

Local people with a housing need, and who have the strongest connection with Cannington, will be given the highest priority for the new homes.

The next steps, if you are interested in one of these affordable homes:

Step 1: You must be registered on the Homefinder Somerset system. You can do this online at Help is available for those who cannot register online by contacting Somerset Council’s Housing team on 0300 123 2224. You are advised to do this as soon as possible, as it can take two months to complete the assessment process. Once registered:

Step 2: You must make sure your information is up to date and crucially, make sure your application confirms what local connection you have with Cannington. This is very important.

Step 3: From Summer 2023 onwards (timing to be confirmed and will be advertised locally), you must regularly login to this system to check when you can bid for one of these homes. The advert will make it clear that priority for the new homes goes to applicants with a connection to the parish of Cannington.

Step 4: You must bid for one of these properties (when advertised) to be considered.

Key Messages

If you are not registered, you cannot bid. You will not be considered for one of these homes, if you do not bid.

You can find out further information about the allocation system at

The Parish Office will also have information to circulate shortly. We will advertise further details to help possible applicants on the Parish notice boards. We hope local shops and other outlets will be willing to help advertise also, we will also post information on this website and on Facebook – please check frequently for updates.

Ryan Morgan

Housing Development Business Apprentice

Delivering-Developing New Affordable Housing and a New Generation of Council Homes

Homes in Sedgemoor | Bridgwater House | King Square | Bridgwater | TA6 3AR

If you have any queries about the development and affordable housing please contact the Housing Development Team at [email protected]

If you have any Homefinder Somerset enquiries about houses becoming available and regarding your Homefinder account please contact [email protected]


Your Guide to Homefinder Somerset

Temporary Closure of Gurney Street

Temporary Closure of Charlynch Lane

Open Gardens

Route 1 Advocacy

Fly Parking

Free Low Impact Activity and Movement Sessions


A brief announcement (other roles and responsibilities fulfilled by councillors to follow in due course).

Following Colin Allen’s decision to stand down as Chair at the Annual Meeting on 9.5.23, we are pleased to announce that Ian Dyer was elected as the new Chair with John Addison as Vice-Chair. Colin will remain as a councillor on the parish council.

We thank Colin for his sterling contribution as Chair over the past eleven years overseeing an immense period of change and responsibility, and also to Rosie his wife for ably supporting him during this period.

Somerset Sight

Temporary Closure of Broadway, Monmouth Street and St Johns Street

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