Pumpkin Trail and Carving

At the Walled Gardens of Cannington from Wednesday 26th to Sunday 30th October from 10am to 4pm. Tickets £5 in advance or £6 on the door. Free entry for adults when accompanying children.

For tickets and further information visit www.canningtonwalledgardens.co.uk or telephone 01278 655042.

Planning application for Bridgwater College

This is a major planning application for outline planning for the erection of four buildings to form student residences at the Cannington Centre of Bridgwater College. This application will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting to be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th May 2016 in the upper hall of Cannington Village Hall.

Vacancy for Deputy Clerk

The Parish Council has a vacancy for a Deputy Clerk. Please see advert for more details

Village Hall Refurbishment

The village hall is currently closed for refurbishment and is due to re-open on Monday 18th April 2016. Please see report for further information

Flood Alleviation Scheme

A joint meeting was held on 2nd March 2016in the Community Room with EDF and Environment Agency to discuss the Bypass and the Flood Alleviation Scheme. Please see Meeting notes for more information.


Gas Supply

Message from Colin Allen (Chairman Parish Council)
If your gas supply has not been reconnected please ring the Customer Service Team on 0800 912 2999 or contact the Friendly Spirit or Nether Stowey Village Hall. If you are still unable to make contact phone 07760 171702

Student Community Engagement

Cannington Residential Students – Community Involvement

The students of Bridgwater College’s Cannington Student Accommodation are looking for volunteering opportunities within Cannington to enhance their skills and be a positive part of the community.

We would welcome any ideas and opportunities that local people may have for students to help out within the community, whether this be gardening, fundraisers, litter picking etc.

Please send any suggestions to Helen Windsor, Residential Manager using the following contact details:

Telephone: 01278 655149

Email: [email protected]

Post:  Student Liaison Team

Bridgwater College Cannington Centre




Cannington Target

Read the latest edition of the Cannington Target

Cannington Pantomime

This year Cannington Pantomime are presenting Puss in Boots at Cannington Village Hal between 17th and 20th February 2016. For further details please check out their website www.canningtonpanto.co.uk

Clean for the Queen

The Tidy Britain Group is running a campaign ‘Clean for the Queen’  on the weekend of 4th to 6th March 2016. Please see here for further details. If you are in interested in becoming involved please contact the Clerk.

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