Somerset Rivers Authority

Somerset Rivers Authority 2018-19 Annual Report full length version

Somerset Rivers Authority 2018-19 Annual Report summary

Packhorse Bridge Restoration

There has been a lot of discussions in the village regarding the type of stone used for the bridge.

Please see Restoration of Packhorse Bridge for more information

Traffic Calming Scheme

Following a meeting this morning with SCC, Cannington Parish Council would like to provide the following update:

1. The traffic calming scheme which has an 8-week programme is planned to commence next week. The first couple of weeks will mainly encompass the correct signage, preliminary electrical works such as up-lighters for signage and lighting columns on Rodway.

2. This will be closely followed by civil works commencing in Brook St and the High St. Temporary traffic lights will be installed during this and the mid-section of the works.

3. Towards the middle to back end of the Scheme, work will start on the Main Rd e.g. traffic islands and works on Rodway. During this period there will be an estimated closure of Main Rd for 1 week. Rodway will be closed for an estimated 3 weeks.

4. There is a caveat of course that once digging works commence, there could be problems with for example, utilities, that could not have been foreseen; SCC assures us that there is some flexibility within the programme to accommodate this.

5. SCC will arrange a letter drop to residents in the immediate vicinity of the works where traffic lights and road closures will occur.

6. A nominated representative from Skanska will be on hand to discuss any issues as they arise and to keep the parish council and community informed.

We will do our very best via the Website, Facebook, Parish Council meetings and notice boards to keep the community informed of progress.

Thank you

Cannington Open Gardens 2019

Cannington Open Gardens 2019 – Thank you

HPC July 2019 Lookahead

Hinkley Point C July Lookahead

National Grid

The National Grid are carrying out surveys for the renewal of the overhead lines. Please see OHL survey work 3 for more information

Invitation to complete SDC Open Space, Sport and Recreation Parish Survey

This survey can be completed via webpage:-


Sedgemoor District Council is currently in the process of preparing an Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study for the District which incorporates a Playing Pitch Strategy, a Play audit, a Built Facilities assessment and an assessment of informal recreation space.

This study aims to understand the current quality and quantity of provision, the current level of use and demand of each site and the expected level of future demand based on population projections. The assessment results will form part of the evidence base needed to protect existing sites, identify additional needs, support funding bids and inform negotiations with developers when securing contributions towards open space, sport and recreation facilities.

In order to establish a comprehensive overview of the current level of provision and demand across the district we are writing to all Parish Councils to ask them to:

i) complete a survey about the facilities and spaces within your parish and the level of community satisfaction and use that you may be aware of;

ii) review the tables provided below, which present our current understanding of provision for your parish, and either confirm their contents are correct or add to or amend the data, as applicable;

iii) fill-in the attached document with a brief quality audit of the play areas within your parish (if applicable); and

iv) to please share the link to this survey for Sedgemoor residents with your parishioners and ask them to express their views on the quality and quantity of open space, sport and recreation provision across the District and within their own Parish?

The questionnaire and data tables are accompanied by an Online Interactive Map which displays the known formal and informal sites plus any planned sites or sites that have been lost to development in recent years. The deadline for completing and submitting the questionnaires and data tables is Friday 1st March 2019.

For further information and to follow the progress of the Study please visit our website webpage.

The questionnaires and tables can be completed online but if you would prefer to provide your responses by email or letter please respond by email to [email protected] or alternatively by post to: Planning Policy, Inward Investment and Growth, Sedgemoor District Council, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR.

Thank-you for your time.

Kind Regards

The Planning Policy Team
Sedgemoor District Council
Tel: 01278 435544

Don’t be fooled by Council Tax scammers

SDC News Release 18.01.18

Cannington to Sandford Cycle Path

Information on the road works associated with the cycle path can be found on the Somerset County Website using the following link

Cannington Youth Club

The youth club will be starting back on Monday 18th September. Please see poster for more details.

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