Somerset Waste Partnership

SWP Members Briefing Recycle More 2.4.20

NHS Somerset briefing

NHS Somerset briefing 01 April 2020

Latest Coronavirus update

Latest Coronavirus updates

Call for Care help

Please see the following press release Call for care help v6 30.3.20

Quantock Hills

HPC Community Bus

EDF will cease to operate the Community Bus Service as from the LAST RETURN SERVICE on the 27th of March.

Covid-19 Community Pack

COVID-19 community pack

Covid-19 Government support for employers

COVID19 Government support for employers.doc

Covid -19 update 23rd March 2020

Coronavirus Briefing Sheet 230320.doc

Parish Council meetings

Coronavirus Briefing Sheet 230320.docCannington Parish Council held an extraordinary PC meeting on 21st March 2020. At the meeting we agreed a Business Continuity motion to delegate powers to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to allow for the day to day running of the PC to continue. All meetings have been postponed until further notice. We also agreed to set aside £5,000 as a contingency fund for the Coronavirus crisis.

The PC fully support the wonderful work that Revd Alison Waters is doing supporting the Cannington Volunteers and our Emergency Planning team (Colin Allen, Mike Phillips, Ian Dyer and David Greenslade) will lend their support whenever they can.

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